An invitee is an invited person. Elaborating on the same, a person who is present at a place by exclusive invitation of the one who is occupying the place is known as an invitee. Under such circumstances, it becomes the duty of the one in control to take care of the invitee.
There are various kinds of invitees. One of them is a Business invitee. A business invitee is a person who enters premises via an invitation of the occupier for the conduction of business.
Again, a public invitee can be elaborated as a person who enters a property via an invitation of the occupier but there is no strict conduction of business involved.
Invitees can be defined as individuals who have been invited by the owner of the property. Then it becomes an important duty of the owner to protect the invitee at all costs.
How can you judge whether someone is an invitee?
When there is a general expectation of the arrival of the invitee by the property owner. For example- at a business meeting, the attendants are invitees because their presence is expected by the property owner.
However, there is a difference between invitee and licensee. If an individual visits an invitee owing to some personal reasons, then they would be known as the licensee.
For example- let say that a person visits the invitee on a property taken on rent. Then the person who is visiting becomes a licensee.
So to sum it up licensees are usually invited by an invitee on a property. Property owners are also entitled to keep the licensees safe. In such ways, they indirectly protect the well-being of invitees.
When it comes to invitees, they are entitled to certain rights. They are- safety rights, which means that they can expect to live in a safe and sound environment. According to legal rules, when an individual visits a property at the wish of a property owner then the owner becomes responsible for any sort of damage that might befall the invitee. This is seen as a breach of the primary duty of the owner as he/she was supposed to create a safe environment for the invitee. Therefore it is safe to say that the owner is the one responsible for any sort of injury suffered by the invitee on the property.