Xystus is a portico that is long and wide, enabling athletes to exercise in stormy weather. It dates back to ancient Greek times. It has been derived from its Greek work Xystos.
Xystus is an extension referring to the whole building having a gymnasium and portico. Xystus of Elis was a famous gymnasium with a vast place enclosed by a wall. It is among the largest gymnasiums in Greece. Again, Xystus Jerusalem was another famous building that came into being in Judaeo Hellenistic times from the Herodian rule.
Xystus is an architectural term that indicates a covered and open front gymnasium. It is used to perform exercises here, mainly during rainy or winter times. Romans used it to walk on the porticoes divided into flower beds and the gardens promenade between two rows of trees. It further indicates that the floor of the portico is smooth. It thus has clear connections with an artchitectural style.