Sakher Bazar, Kolkata, is a residential locality and falls in the southern part of the 24 Parganas District. The area is surrounded by other residential localities like Purba Barisha, Behala Chowrasta etc. Sakher Bazar is adjacent to Behala residential cum industrial area. The industrial area has made Saker Bazar a sought-after area as employment opportunities are readily available in Behala. The locality has low rise apartment complexes and independent houses. Sakher Bazar has now come up for development under the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC). It has excellent internal road connectivity, and further road development is being planned here. In addition, the Tollygunge station provides metro connectivity to Sakher Bazar residents. New Metro Line-3 from Joka to Esplanade is expected to reduce traffic in the Sakher Bazar area.