Looking for a warehouse for sale in Pocharam, Square Yards brings you efficiently managed and designed godowns for sale in Pocharam, Hyderabad. Since Pocharam, Hyderabad has good connectivity to various important trade towns of the country, it is the ideal location for a small warehouse for sale. Find the perfect industrial warehouse near me according to your needs and products. These godowns for rent in Pocharam, Hyderabad provide solutions to match your requirements, whether you are in the manufacturing, retail, or distribution sectors. Browse through the warehouse's for sale in Pocharam, Hyderabad's known commercial areas such as Srigdhas Rising East, Happy Homes Pocharam, Nithya Aum, Marams Mihira and Modi Emerald Heights. All listings are located safely and securely, providing proper security for your goods. You can easily find several affordable and well-maintained warehouses for sale in Pocharam, Hyderabad
Godown/industrial plot is located in Industrial Park Mankhal which is just 2km from ORR Tukuguda, Hyderabad
Commercial 700sqyd,5000 sft shed, 600sft rcc 3 rooms, 100 hp power, north facing north east extended, 50m from main road, all sewage connections given underground, 60ft road infront and 50ft road facing. Beside springdale school, behind swapna talkies aavailable in katedan
Industrial Land with Shed for Sale in Katedan Property Overview: Land Area: 1300 sq. yds. Industrial Shed: 11,000 sq. ft. Power Supply: 99 HP available Facing: South-East Ideal for Industrial Use: This spacious industrial property is perfect for manufacturing, warehousing, or any industrial setup. Located in